Livingston Slate 2


I live in the USA, near the city of Memphis, Tennessee. I have lived in several different places and worked in a variety of jobs but have never developed what you could call a real career. I do have a bachelor's degree in Psychology, but it serves as little more than a decoration on the wall. In fact, over the years, I have accumulated several licenses and certificates but have never stuck with anything. I even tried stock trading for a while. You could basically say that I have lived my life as a professional dabbler, picking up a new skill here and there but never doing much with it.

But one day many years ago, I suddenly developed an interest in creative writing. Up until that time, I was mainly interested in the sciences and things based on objective standards. Initially, I took up writing as a hobby, but over time, it evolved into more than that.

After a time, I came up with what I thought was a good idea for a novel, which would eventually become this one, and decided to give it a shot. The first draft was moving along quite smoothly (I was about halfway done in a mere two months), and I was thrilled about what I thought was a newfound talent. I just knew I would soon be rolling in dough. Well, that is, until I started actually reading it.

The manuscript sounded like a long, meandering newspaper article. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are some truly riveting and electrifying newspaper articles out there, but what I had written wasn't one of them. So I started rewriting the entire manuscript.

Well, the rewrite turned out much better than the first draft, but it still lacked that special something that holds a reader's attention. I kept working on it for a few more years, but nothing much seemed to be changing. Eventually, I had to face the fact that I simply didn't know how to write well. But now, after many years of hard work, I believe I can finally say that I have learned enough to be a good writer.

My style is, oddly enough, based more on watching movies and TV than on reading. Although a writing style based on watching television rather than reading is rather unorthodox, I do believe you will find it makes my work just a little different than what most writers produce. I direct most of my focus working on maintaining a strong, coherent plot and holding your attention from beginning to end, because to me, the single most important quality of a good novel is how entertaining it is.